02 January 2011


I’ve been using a service that might be useful to you. It’s called Dropbox. Basically it is online ‘cloud’ storage for some of your computer files.

If you install the software on more than one computer, it will synchronize your files on all of the machines. In other words, if you edit your conlang vocabulary file on your desktop computer at home, the changed version will be stored on the Dropbox servers and then copied to any other computers on which you have installed Dropbox.

Even if you only run the software on one computer, you can log into Dropbox via the web and grab a file if you suddenly need it when you are at work / school / whatever.

I used a vaguely similar service called box.net for a while but I am finding that I prefer the Dropbox software. (It is available for Mac, iPhone, Linux other operating systems whose names I refuse to type.)

You can read about Dropbox on Wikipedia or visit their website.

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